Gabrielle Roth developed her work in the sixties and seventies of the last century. In the eighties she decided, together with her son Jonathan Horan, to not keep the rhythms to themselves, but to also train others to teach the 5Rhythms®. She then trained hundreds of people, usually with 3-4 years between consecutive teacher trainings. Since her death, Jonathan now holds them, usually with an interval of 2 years.
She also created an association for teachers, the 5RTA (5 Rhythms Teachers Association). Certified teachers (=having finished the teacher training) can choose to be part of that association to continue their own development, with teacher refreshes, and to prepare people that dance with them onto the teacher path. You can find these accredited teachers on the world wide web site Only accredited and certified teachers may use the trade mark 5Rhythms and associated terms.
You'll find on this web site also links to some activities, and part of the offering, of a selection of accredited teachers and members of the teacher training staff, whom we recommend. In this way, we wish to promote the work of Gabrielle and to pass it on to those people that are attracted by it.