Gabrielle Roth described her investigations, findings and thoughts on the 5 rhythms in three books. She also produced many albums with music supporting the 5 rhythms, and videos about dancing and movement.
Her first book, 'Maps to Ecstasy', appeared in 1989. It describes the 5 rhythms, and the 5 maps of her work in great detail. You'll get a nice overview of the rhythms and maps, spiced by many examples and anecdotes.
Her second book, 'Sweat Your Prayers', appeared in 1999. It again describes the 5 rhythms, but now also from a perspective of the archetypes, which also are part of her workshop 'God, Sex and the Body'.
In 2004 she released her third book, 'Connections'. It talks about the five threads of intuitive wisdom, and she shows how we can reconnect with our innate intuition through movement, and replace the fixed notion of self with a persona that is fluid, changing and receptive.