"If you put the psyche in motion, it will heal itself." Gabrielle Roth


Sun 19 Mar, 10:30 2023

The pure energetic of anger says what is needed, not more and not less; being upright, neither forcefully pushy with a charge, nor holding back and not giving the fullness of what is needed at that moment. If we have the pure clear energetic of anger, then it can lead us to feeling more warmth for the other person, once we've expressed it and it serves as a beautifully constructive way of adding colourful alive strands of connection between us. It can be our way of  standing upright, of saying “this is me I’m here” and “this is what is important to me, this is what my heart wants to say.” Of course, we don’t always have access to that pure, assertive anger, and we will be giving space to exploring and finding how to give movement to the anger that wants to bring itself into action which might take the form of irritation, seething, resentment and others. We’ll be using our 5Rhythms® practice time and again, to move through all this. By the end of the day, we could experience ourselves as being more upright and having more of a sense of understanding and connection towards the other person, down in our muscles and bones. I’m looking forward to this journey with you, towards daring to be more ourselves, straight and true.

In this series of ten workshops we explore in movement, alternately the Waves map rhythms: Attention (Flowing), Clarity (Staccato), Adventure (Chaos), Freedom (Lyrical), and Connection (Stillness), and the Heartbeat map emotions: Awake (Fear), Upright (Anger), Release (Sadness), Relief (Joy), and Embracing (Compassion). In each workshop we go deeper with one rhythm or emotion, whilst also moving through full waves. Nancy will teach the Heartbeat workshops, Edo the Waves workshops.

This is a series of linked workshops, a connected whole, but at the same time each workshop can stand independently on its own, so you can feel free to take part in one or several, or the whole series.
